Najla & Rayhan
11 November 2022
The Wedding Of
Najla & Rayhan

ومن ايتة أن خلق لكم
من انفسكم أزواجا
لتسكنوا إليها
And of His signs is that
He created for you mates
from among yourselves
that you may find
tranquility in them
Ar-Rum 30:21
Bride & Groom

Najla Levana Ayeesha, B.Bus
First Daughter of :
Mr. Edwin Adjisatryo
& Mrs. Dewi Kurnia Lestari (Rayi Ratu) Soeharto
Mohammad Rayhan Husni, ST, B.Eng
First Son of: :
Mr. Mohammad Ramadhan Husni
& Mrs. Nurhaeriyati Malik


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
By asking the Grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and with all humility, please allow us to invite you to attend our wedding which will be held on:

November 11, 2022
The Langham, Jakarta
8.30 AM – 11.00 AM
Friday prayer will be held
in the Hotel

The Langham, Jakarta
Sudirman Central Business Distric Lot. 28
Senayan, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12190

Kindly send us your confirmation by completing the form below:
Note: This invitation is valid for a maximum of 2 (two) person only
Wedding Gift
With all due respect, you may share gifts to the bride and groom through these following methods:
Countdown Timer
Our Gallery
Health Protocol
In relation to Covid-19, we seek your cooperation to comply with the following:

a mask


a distance

Your Wishes


Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, if you wish to honour us with a monetary gift, you may do so via the following :
Rayhan Husni
Najla Levana Ayeesha
Thank you for your kind attention.
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, if you wish to honour us with gift, you may do so by sending it to the below address:
Najla Levana Ayeesha
Jalan Taman Cilandak Raya No D1, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan, 12430
Thank you for your kind attention.
Congratulations Najla & Rayhan.. semoga menjadi keluarga yang SaMaWa
Congrats ya dear Najla & Rayhan..🧡
Selamat ya buat Najla & Rayhan , semoga sehat2 , rukun n Bahagia selalu
Selamat dan bahagia untuk Najla dan Rayhan, Insya Allah membangun keluarga Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warahmah, selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT
Selamat berbahagia untuk Najla & Rayhan.
Semoga menjadi keluarga Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warrahmah dan diberi keturunan yang sholeh dan sholeha. Aamiiin Yaa Robbal Aalamiiin
Semoga jadi keluarga samara dalam meraih Cinta dan Ridho Allah swt, aamiiiin