We Are Getting Married

Gerald & Della


And above all: put on love, as a bond that unites and completes. Let the peace of Christ reign in your hearts, for to this you were called into one body.
And be grateful.

Colossians 3:14-15

Groom & Bride


Gerald Andrew Renee Pieloor

2nd Son Of Mr. Andreas Freddy Pieloor & Mrs. Barbara Carolina Maria Pieloor


Zita Della Marina Sutanti

Youngest Daughter of
Mr. (✝) Tan Tiang Sin & Mrs. Sulastri

By Asking for God’s Grace, we intend to invite you to our Wedding ceremony, which will be held on:


Holy Matrimony

Saturday, 12th February 2022

09.00 AM

( Only For Family )


Gereja Katolik Santo Leo Agung

Jl. Manunggal I, Cipinang Melayu, Kec. Makasar, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13620


Saturday, 12th February 2022

01.00 PM – 03.00 PM



Mercure Jakarta Gatot Subroto
Java Ballroom lt.2

Jl. Gatot Subroto No. Kav. 1, Kuningan Barat, Jakarta, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12790


Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form:


    Wedding Gift

    The only gift we desire are your presence and prayers. If you would still like to share more blessings, you can do it through :

    Countdown Timer

    Day and night passed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to the presence of family and friends, to be witnesses of our sacred vows on a happy day.








    Virtual Wedding

    In light of the covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to invite all of our beloved friends in person, because it is important for us to keep everything safe, so in addition to the live event, we are also planning to publish our wedding virtually via live Youtube which you can follow via the following link

    Our Gallery

    “In a marriage you are united for the sake of happiness with a promise of the heart to make each other happy. With me you will live forever because God will surely give you the gift as a protector and witness in this marriage. For that you are united in one family.”

    Health Protocol

    In order to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we apply health protocols at our wedding. We hope that you will comply with the health protocols for the sake of mutual comfort

    Social Distance

    Keeping each other’s distance
    when attending events

    No shaking hands

    Avoid physical contact
    without shaking hands

    Using Mask

    Must use
    mask/face shield

    Wash Hand

    Wash hands before
    enter the event reception

    Life Moment

    Help us capture happy moments at our wedding by tagging your post with the following hashtags:

    Best Wishes

    35 Ucapan
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    Devina & Ko Vicky
    3 years ago

    Happy wedding Gerald & Della..bahagia selalu buat kalian yaa!! makin diberkati Tuhan, sehaat2 selalu, makin suksess bersamaa..all the best yaa!!

    Wulan Semok
    3 years ago

    Happy Wedding Della & Gerald, Bahagia Selalu dan Cepat mendapatkan keturunan yang cantik dan ganteng yaa……..

    Arthur Hendrik Pieloor
    3 years ago

    Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru Buat Gerry dan Della. Semoga Berbahagia, Sehat, Banyak Anak, Rejeki dan Langgeng sampai OpaOma….Om Arthur dan Tante Shinta

    Anggie, Gandhi and Sheena
    3 years ago

    Gw hepi bgt de ngeliat lo sampe di tahap ini sm Gerry. Setelah puluhan taon ya tgn kering ga ada yg gandeng. Wkwkwkwkkk. Akhirnya ada jg yg ngejagain lo, org yg gw percaya bakalan bisa ngejaga si anak bontot cerewet, pecicilan tp baiknya setengah mati ini. Doa gw, lo selalu bahagia sm gerry, beranak pinak dan bertambah banyaklah. Semoga Tuhan selalu menjaga dan memberkati pernikahan kalian ya. Selamanya. Amien 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Felix j
    3 years ago

    Selamat menjalani hidup baru, menjadi kepala keluarga. Semoga Gerry dan della selalu bahagia, cepat punya anak 😀. God bless

    3 years ago

    Della n Gerard – selamat menempuh hidup baru – inilah kehidupan yg sesungguhnya – tidak ada yg mudah hanya dibutuhkan saling asah asih dan asuh – agar kebahagiaan di awal ini terus terjaga hingga akhir – Aamiin

    3 years ago

    Happy wedding to Bang Gerald and Kak Dellaa, I wish you all the best things in this world 🥳

    Claudia Hariyani
    3 years ago

    Congrats dear Gerald n Della…. Happy wedding…. Jesus bless your new family… 🥰🥰🥰

    Last edited 3 years ago by Claudia Hariyani
    Sarah Widiyanti
    3 years ago

    Bahagia bahagia bahagia!!! Pokoknya bahagia yg menyenangkan ya kalian berdua. Punya anak yg menggemaskan, langgeng pernikahannya sampai maut memisahkan. Sehat ya deee Aamiin 🖤

    Sylvy setiawan
    3 years ago

    Happy wedding, happy always

    3 years ago

    Deeeeee.. semoga bahagia terus ya sama gerald sampe beranak pinak sampe punya cucu cicit sampe maut memisahkan 💛💛💛

    Anggi Marwa
    3 years ago

    Haloo dellaaa temen SMA kenal dari kelas 1 SMA seneng banget elu mau nikah, gua selalu berdoa semoga elu bahagia selalu sama gerald, lancar sampe hari H nya ❤❤❤

    Mario Kevin
    3 years ago

    Happy for you both! ✨

    3 years ago

    Gerry and Dee selamat menempuh hidup baru, saling mendukung dalam suka duka serta berbahagia forever and ever…..

    vita anggraeni
    3 years ago

    akhirnya sold juga ya deeee😋 selamat menempuh hidup baru della & gerald, makasih banyak untuk gerald udah jadi pelabuhan terakhir della, lancar sampai hari H dan selalu di lancarkan dalam hidup kalian selalu di segala hal, bahagia selamanya🥰🤗

    Arfandi Arief
    3 years ago

    Selamat menempuh hidup baru dan berbahagia selalu.

    Anna Malau
    3 years ago

    Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru Gerry & Della..
    God Bless

    Davy J
    3 years ago

    Congrats, lancar2 sampai hari H ya, GBU

    Kevin & Sheryl
    3 years ago

    Banyak selamat buat gerry & istri☺️ sehat, bahagia, lancar luncur smpe hari H😂 Tuhan Berkati🙏🏻

    Mek A
    3 years ago

    Selamat menempuh hidup baru bung! Jangan lupa tetap beli Gundam

    Suci Anita R.
    3 years ago

    You must stay together in joy and sorrows, be a couple who always hold hands forever. Happy new life to both of you.

    Melisa Nathalie
    3 years ago

    Ciyeee menuju halal ❤️❤️❤️ Lancar2 ya bebssss

    Ria, Abdul, dan Acenyioooo
    3 years ago

    Finallyyyyyyyyyy, setelah sekian purnama bertahan dgn status single demi nunggu datangnya yg Terbaik dr Tuhan, sekalinya di kasih betul-betul langsung yg Terbaik ya De 😍 dan dilancarkan sampai kesini. Semoga segalanya tetap lancar, dan cinta kalian bertahan sampai hanya maut yg memisahkan. All the best guys ❤✨ See you on ur big daaaaay~Yay!

    Juan Binus
    3 years ago

    Congraaatsss to my best pren Gery & dellaa yang menjadi teman baik melalui gery…

    3 years ago

    Congratulation and happy wedding Geri & della !!!
    wishing you all the best for both of you !!!

    Alvin dan benita
    3 years ago

    Happy wedding bos
    Semoga selalu dilancarkan, selalu diberkati dan selamat menjalankan kehidupan bersama keluarga barunya

    Benny Christian
    3 years ago

    Semoga samawa ger🙏

    3 years ago

    Congratulation Gerry & Della, Wishing you lots of love and happiness.

    Arifin Fayers
    3 years ago


    Gaby & Riki
    3 years ago

    Gerry & Della!
    Happy for both of you. may your marriage full of joy & happiness! ✨✨

    3 years ago

    Selamat menempuh hidup baru!! Hehe

    Radit & Shelly
    3 years ago

    Selamat menempuh hidup baru Geri dan Della
    Semoga bisa menguasai dunia bersama oke bro

    Rara & Iqbal
    3 years ago

    Della gerald, selamat berbahagia…
    Terharuu banget akhirnya hari yang ditunggutunggu akan tiba jugaa, Sehatsehat kalian calon nganten.. Lancar acaranya semuaa gak ada halangan…Amin🥺🥺🤗🤗🤗🥲🤍

    Albert & Velly
    3 years ago

    Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru
    🌷Gerald & Della🌷

    Wish nothing but the best, God bless your marriage life, and be happy always!!! 🥰🥰🥰

    Paulina & Handoko
    3 years ago

    Happy Wedding Gege & Della💙 akhirnya kalian bersatu juga. Semoga lancar segala rangkaian acara nya, sehat-sehat, and We Love You💙



    The Wedding Of

    Gerald & Della